Monday, August 01, 2005

Goodbye old friend: the Frigidaire

Goodbye old friend it has been a grand time together these past 15 years and I'm sad to see you go. It says on the back of you that you were delivered in June 1959. Speaking on behalf of the others served so faithfully, in the 31 years prior to our relationship, you were one helluva an air compressing workhorse. When I think of all the cold beer that you so selflessly chilled for me along with my girl friend's yogurt, leftover hummus and out of date slide film, why it almost makes me weepy.

So long old friend, the power company is paying $40 for your carcass and the replacement will never ever possess your 50's charm and urbane solidity. May your passage to scrap be peaceful and done with dignity.

I didn't think it would be this tough.


Anonymous said...

Make that "ozone eating chloroflorocarbon compressing workhorse", small detail,sorry. I hope she enjoys her trip to China to become consumer goods.

Anonymous said...

Make that "ozone eating chloroflorocarbon compressing workhorse", small detail,sorry. I hope she enjoys her trip to China to become consumer goods.

Devastatin' Dave said...

You're gonna have to start a new collection of stickers.

Audie said...

Shoulda buried her with the Dart.