Saturday, August 13, 2005

Secessionist stirrings in western Canada

DD linked me to an article about secession in western Canada, and I wanted to add my full support to the people wishing to pursue such a course of action. I say if Canada can break apart so can the U.S.A., just like the U.S.S.R. and that vile and bloody British empire.

I highly recommend the now out-of-print The Nine Nations of North America by Joel Garreau published in 1981. (It can be easily obtained on The author outlines the geographic and cultural boundaries as they existed in North America in 1981 and identifies nine different sections that share enough common characteristics to form the nucleus of separate nations. With almost 25 years having passed since the book came out, it seems that most of the predictions are coming to fruition.

CALGARY (CP) - More than one-third of western Canadians surveyed this summer thought it was time to consider separation from Canada, a poll suggests.

In the survey, 35.6 per cent of respondents from Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia agreed with the statement: Western Canadians should begin to explore the idea of forming their own country.

The article ends with:

Pollsters noted that surprisingly, separatist sentiment appeared to run highest among young people - 37 per cent of respondents between the ages of 18 and 29 were open to the notion of breaking away from Canada.

Support was lowest - 33.7 per cent - among the baby boom generation aged between 45 and 64.

That doesn't surprise me a bit.


beamis said...

Fuck Israel! There I said it. Let them sink or swim on their own merits and the relative strength of their own economic output, not the tax dollars of peaceful American citizens. Fuck them! I'm tired of supporting a ruthless regional bully that always calls on their bigger bully brother (the U.S.A.) when they get in over their heads. Fuck them!

As for secession it will be a peaceful and orderly process, unless Big Brother steps in to prevent a legitimate option that was always included as an alternative for states not wanting to remain in a voluntary union, which was a part of the original intent of the United States Constitution. Read the Federalist Papers bro!

Lincoln got it all wrong, by waging savage war on those states wishing to leave the U.S., but he himself ended up getting what was coming to him for his role as a dictatorial warlord.

Sic semper tyrannis!

beamis said...

A-hole: "...southerners also are anti-Israel", where did you dig up that nugget? You're one paranoid cowboy dude.

I think I'll start calling you the Kosher Kid.

beamis said...

The break-up of the U.S.S.R. was peaceful.

beamis said...

In addition to your overall rudeness you also seem to have no humor to spare either. Been down in dat killer fog of Californy for way too long my friend.

Truth be known I'm of Jewish descent, my grandfather having fled a Tsarist pogron in the Ukraine in the early teens of the last century, and I'm named after a Holocaust victim---my great uncle, who was liquidated by the SS in Kiev. So much for my "true colors". All the same I still don't want Israel using my tax dollars to do anything! To hell with their aggressive and dysfunctional country whose boundaries were imposed by a European empire that had no business doing so.

You miss much and grandstand a lot, but haven't really responded to any of my articulated stances for smaller government, non-involvement in offensive warfare, or the federalist principle of localized independent control from central authorities whether form they be in DC, Moscow or Rome.

My views spring from deeply held convictions and personal experience, but I'm also willing to compromise or see things another way if something compelling registers with my intellect. I see Max, DD, Monkey and Aud all coming from the same deep wellspring of convictions based on life experiences and the knowledge they've gleaned along the way.

You sound like a war loving Bush supporter who's in it for anything that benefits Israel. Good for you---the party's almost over.

beamis said...

The South is full of evangelical Christians who support Israel rather fervently. It just seemed to be off the mark, that's all.

As for the California business, I knew Max had relations in CA so I made a guess that you lived there as well, and your own references to going back to Cali on your blogsite intrigued me. An incorrect guess, oh well. I stand by the rest of it.

Audie said...

A-hole, you make similar jumps in your posts (that you accuse Beamis of):

One, labeling Beamis's views as "partisan," when they clearly are not. He's been espousing these general views since long before Shrubbie was president (or even governor), and he was no fan of the previous administration, either. His railing against the president stems from the fact that the current resident of the White House has presented unusually stark and distressing particulars that highlight exactly the dangers about which Beamis has long been against. It does not, as you suggest, reflect his love or hate for any particular party.

Two, you seem fond of slinging "anti-U.S." and "anti-Israel" as some sort of stinging insult. Ha! Funny. ("Ooooooooo, he called me anti-U.S.! Oooooooo.") Nationalists can go off and die in pointless wars over arbitrary lines in the sand if they really want to. The only sad part about that is that the people manipulating those desperate enough to actually go do the dirty work, are themselves draft-dodgers (Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, the whole lot of them).

It's also humorous to note your smug delusion in referring to anti-war folks like Beamis as "marginal," when support for the war is dipping toward 33%. So, who's the marginal one here, A-hole?