Thursday, January 11, 2007

Good cemetery pictures from last year

Ever since I was a kid I've been drawn to the quiet beauty of cemeteries. Whenever I pass by one that looks interesting I like to stop and check out the headstones, making note of the family names along with dates of birth and death. I also like to examine the different types of stone used in grave markers and mausoleums.

Recently I've begun organizing my collection of photos of cemeteries into a file and wanted to share some shots of a few recent visits to the old bone orchard.

Some of my favorite cemeteries are in Los Angeles (Hollywood Memorial being one of my favorites), New York City (Queens and Brooklyn especially), New England and the entire state of Nevada (with spooky boot hills galore). The Deep South is also a great place to find them though the stone doesn't hold up so well with all of the rain and humidity, but the draping Spanish moss really lends a somberly romantic tone when you're in the mood to take a stroll among the dead.

Here in the South ancestor worship is still a sacred institution, so I like to do my part by going to say hey to all those who came before and bid them a fond "good day".

Abandoned rural cemetary, Gainer, FL

Lafayette Cemetery, New Orleans, LA

Springdale, Utah

Point Washington, FL

World's best cemetery soundtrack

1 comment:

Ranger X said...

Beamis, I love the Grafton Cemetery headstone that reads "Kilt by Indians".

Anyway, if you get this comment soon, I think we should think about teaming up for a web project that advocates non-governmental management of public lands and exposes the pitfalls of NPS management. Let me know what you think. I can be reached at sequoiaguy-junk at yahoo dot com