Saturday, March 03, 2007

The End Of Divine Strake.....For Now

Nevada Test Site, 1953

I got the news about the cancellation of Divine Strake while doing relief work in central Florida for recent tornado victims and have just now gotten around to posting a blog that I hope will adequately convey my heartfelt gratitude to all of the heroic souls that were involved in helping to prevent this hideous bomb test from ever occurring.

It was wonderful to see the diversity of people that came together to speak out about the unnecessary dangers this explosion would pose to the health and safety of the general public. I'd especially like to commend Springdale mayor Pat Cluff and the entire town council for having the courage to stand up and be the first governmental entity in the entire nation to just say NO. Their position made it much easier for St. George to follow suit, to be followed by Cedar City and then the entire government of Washington County. With the Utah, Nevada and Idaho legislatures preparing hearings over the issue it soon became clear to the warlords in DC that they had stirred up a hornets nest of opposition which caused them to eventually back down. For now.

I am thoroughly convinced that they are planning to test bombs in the Nevada desert once again, but for now we can all breathe a little easier.

We must never let our guard down when it comes to these evil maniacs. It is our civic duty to keep an ever vigilant eye on what they propose (supposedly on our behalf) to do to protect "freedom, justice and the American way."

From today's headlines, an article about plans for yet more new nuclear bombs:

1 comment:

Devastatin' Dave said...

I think they're gonna test it in Iran instead.