Tuesday, July 01, 2008

New digs on the bluff

As of today my new home address is Chattanooga, Tennessee (I move in next week). We have a cute little house atop the river bluff in what is known as the North Shore section of town. We can walk to many things of interest including the local minor league ball yard. Yeee-hawww!!!

I sure am missing my girls back home, especially of late, and am glad the tours in Utah are about to come to an end. 

I had one great adventure with an old friend in the wild and wooly West Desert where we we stalked Paleozoic fossils and camped on rumpled stony lumpiness in exchange for silence under a blanket of stars. We drove down roads we had very little business driving on but did so anyway. Hurray for middle-age rebellion (however lame). Keep swinging that rock hammer dude. Nerds rule!

Cambrian trilobite from the Wheeler Shale
House Range, Utah
540 million years old

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